By definition zero tolerance is a policy that
imposes automatic punishment for infractions of a stated rule, with the
intention of eliminating undesirable conduct. Which seems dandy and a good
idea, but when it is used to over step civil liberties
and boundaries such as private property does it become a problem and not to mention the ongoing debates about gun control.
Well for 7th grader Khalid Caraballo, of Virginia Beach, such
a scenario is being played out. On September 9th a 911 call was made by
a concerned citizen who was "uncomfortable" about Khalid
playing with a toy air-soft gun in his front lawn. Here is the
actual call
made on Sept 9th. Khalid along with his friend Aidan Clark were in his
mother’s front yard and the caller drove past and made the call knowing that
the gun had a high possibility of being a toy, also admitting the
gun wasn't being pointed at anyone and that it was pointed at a
target in a tree. Not only did the caller drive past,
she consciously drove past twice and either drove slow enough or
stopped long enough to be "seen" by the two children playing in the
yard. Weather the call was made on a racially biased stance or it was just a
citizen who was concerned for her safety from
a potential threat a two 13 year old kids pose. Khalid, along
with his friend Aidan Clark, were suspended after the Larkspur Middle
School got wind of the "incident" and along with said sentencing of
those two children a statement was released by the principal of the
middle school
(Larksupr Middle School Note To Parents). The note sent to
parents had dates that do not correlate to the events that happened,
and continues to use the following day's "events"
to justify their claim that "a child was only 10 feet from the
bus stop and ran from the shots being fired but was still hit" when
in fact the bus stop is 70 yards from Caraballo's front lawn. These and
other inaccuracies of the incident that transpired were
passed along to the Virginia Beach City Public School System who in
a unanimous vote, voted the children be
"long-term" suspended until June of 2014, and in January of that
year another hearing will be held to see if the children will be allowed to
return to school. Until then the children were given the option to attend an
alternative school. Aidan Clark's father Tim Clark stated that his son will
be home schooled and Caraballo will be attending alternative
school. The two boys were charged with "possession, handling and use
of a firearm", but what isn't stated by the middle school, the
school system, or even in the note sent out to the parents, is that the
"firearm" was used and handled on private property which in relation
to any type of school property is at least 70 yards. With all the discussions about gun control and zero tolerance it has come down to petty control over kids playing with non lethal toys. Has it come time we come to a decision to help prevent further unneeded nuisance like this?
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