Lets go ahead and take this paragraph by paragraph.
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Romney turn to music after the elections |
"In the past 4 1/2 years that the United States has been transformed into one of the most corrupted nation ever...". Ever. Most corrupted nation ever. France is more corrupt than the United States. Saying that the United States is the "most corrupted nation ever" is putting us in the same ballpark as Mongolia, Somalia, and North Korea. I have no idea where you got your numbers or if you are just to busy watching Fox news to tell you your next set of impertinent states such as "Most corrupt nation ever". The Bush administration had 30 political scandals, one which was called Laywergate, which shares a related name to President Nixon's scandal, Watergate, that led to his impeachment.
Its not called "Obamacare" its called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or more commonly the Affordable Care Act, also President Obama hasn't been "promoting" PPACA for four and a half years. PPACA was introduced in the House of Representatives as the "Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009" by Charles Rangel (D-NY). The "inflicted" twenty thousand "pages of incoherent rules, regulations and mandates" is actually only nine hundred and six pages. The act itself was only signed into law on March 23, 2010. So this whole four and a half years of promotion boils down to six months of legislature spanning from September 17, 2009 to its signing in March of the following year. What also irks me is to see that so many people are against the first major overhaul of our decrepit sluggish excuse we call a medical system since 1965. It took forty five years and seven presidents to make a change.
Explain to me like I'm a child how the President of the United States of America "humiliated the US" by not sending anyone to Margret Thatcher's funeral. First off The delegations representing the U.S. at the two funerals were similar, comprising mostly diplomatic personnel and former cabinet members and congressmen rather than current officeholders. The U.S. delegation to Hugo Chávez's funeral included U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, U.S. Embassy Caracas Chargé d'Affaires James Derham, and former U.S. Rep. William Delahunt of Massachusetts. The U.S. delegation to Margaret Thatcher's funeral included former U.S. Secretaries of State George Shultz and James Baker, U.S. Embassy London Chargé d'Affaires Barbara Stephenson, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom Louis Susman. (Three current GOP members of the House of Representatives also attended Thatcher's funeral as part of a Republican delegation. The Presidents choice to send delegation to both funerals is not a disgrace of any kind, its the utmost gesture of respect regardless of the current relationship between the two nations
How in the world has President Obama "torn and divided our country" to an extent that you compare it to times of the Civil War? He hasn't that's how. How has the President pitted homosexuals and heterosexuals against each other? or men against women? I haven't seen riots, conflicts, or any civilian turmoil inside the United States under this current administration, and to say that there is such problems and not have substantial evidence to back it up it beyond detrimental to your entire article.
Since id rather not go on forever I'm gonna short answer the last three paragraphs.
The "shovel-ready projects" were apart of the 2009 stimulus bill but some where sidetracked due to government regulations and permitting procedures. Also the Presidents exact words were "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected" not the "...Obama admitted that there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.".
The second to last paragraph just states that the President has "unconstitutionally attacked" freedom of religion. Where since the administration has held office have they made any efforts to derail or deny any religious freedoms? the answer to that is none.
Yet again you speak about the President like he is some tyrannical dictator out to smash any and all "freedoms" and "rights" that were "god-given" by the Found Fathers. The Founding Fathers lived 200 years ago and I honestly doubt they would agree with anything going on with the government, past and present. To bring up something that happened two centuries ago without any cold hard evidence to bring to the table its hard to even take this article serious. Reading this was bad enough and seeing that you were just spewing anti-Obama slander made me beyond worried for my generation if we just blindly speak negativity of our government without a sliver of research
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