Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Its all to keep you "safe"

Getting a grade for ranting!! Huzzah!! 

With all the recent news of countries being called out on spying each other is funny, and sad. As if the UN was a high school auditorium, world leaders are bickering and spreading rumors of others spying on each other. I mean give me a break. Its been a long year of "espionage" and "uncovering" spy rings, with no end in sight. This whole thing started when Snowden, former NSA system administrator, came out with copious amounts classified NSA documents and gave them to the public. He was later charged with "Theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information, and willful communication of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person.". In my opinion they screwed the pooch when they let this scumbag get away. Maybe they honestly messed up or if it was just apart of the long game. Keep him quiet by letting him go? Who knows. All i know is that Edward Snowden is traitor to the United States as a whole for leaking sensitive documents to the public. Now others think differently and want him to be treated like mother Teresa  Showering him in awards and praise for his courageous acts and bravery. Makes me sick. What it boils down to is that he snitched on his own country and deserves to pay. Yes this is a free country, yes its his right to spread the truth, but he went about it the wrong way. He could still be living in the US with his family and friends if he had only been a little more couth in his actions. All he had to do was run it up the ladder to someone who thought the same way he did and have it taken care of like that and the worst the could have happened is that he would have been told to shut up and get a bonus to keep his mouth shut. Well, we all know it didn't happen that way. The thing I cant fathom is why you would ever do something like that. He obviously had high clearance in the NSA, which in itself is a big deal and a rare privilege, but to throw it all away to "uncover" the truth is the most idiotic thing I can think of next to NASA spending millions to create a pen that works upside down in space. It wasn't long ago that a little thing called the Patriot Act was put into action, pretty much giving the government free reign over our information to enable a better chance at protecting us from outside threats. Now im not defending the act because even though its idea is mostly honorable, nothing is perfect. Its just when people like Snowden or Pvt. Bradley Edward Manning, aka Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, it frustrates me to see that these people do such frivolous and detrimental things for little to no achievement or reward. Also that whole "I want to be called Chelsea" thing has go to be the smartest thing next to getting Johnnie Cochran to defend O.J. Simpson. I could go on for days and days about this subject and how ridiculously simpleminded the public is to want to defend and praise these people for, and lets be honest here, telling on the government. Not to mention that the same government they scorn for spying on its people is the same government who they voted in 12 years ago that would go on to create the Patriot Act, that still stands this day without and impediment. So the next time you hear news weather it domestic or foreign on the topic of spying, change the channel, I promise there is something more important on.

**Edit: Brazil admits to spying on US diplomats after blasting NSA surveillance, after weeks of complaining about the NSA spying....

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